
Monday, December 20, 2010

When Holidays Collide: Halloween Town

Love this one! Good for next year's Christmas card, perhaps?

Halloween Town in Burbank, CA, is one of my favorite places. But then, how can you NOT love a Halloween store that is open year-round? Lots of costumes and wigs, of course, but also some really great jewelry and a large selection of Halloween-related non-fiction books. I always enjoy their window displays, and the photos above show how it looks around Christmas. The photos below show some window mannequins as seen the rest of the year. (I don't know what the style of that man's cloak is called, but I like it. If you know, please let me know.)

I wish I could show you pictures from inside, but the employees watch you like a hawk. It's also insanely dark inside, all the time, necessitating a flash. You can't even try to sneak a shot using a cell-phone camera, or they'll take you out back, kill you and feed you to their mange-infested rats.
Well rules, schmools. On this day I was in a risk-taking mood. I daringly took one for the bloggers and managed a few photos that didn't even turn out blurry before an employee came to...uh... personally escort me.

Look! Decent quality Halloween housewares available all year! Be still your undead hearts!

I do sooo love to shop at Halloween Town. But next time I must bring someone who can cause some sort of  major distraction, so I can take more interior pictures for you.


  1. Oh W*O*W !! I think you have found HEAVEN!
    Thank you for taking the risk of being fed to the rats.......

  2. Halloween Town IS fabulous, although the vulturing of the employees takes away from the pleasure. Have you been to Dark Delicacies, just down the street?

  3. Jeanne, if heaven is where you spend a lot of money, then yes, I have found it! In addition to the stuff already mentioned, they have T-shirts and purses and vintage-looking pillows, lanterns, and wall art. Even Halloween-ish bandaids and packing tape!

  4. Merricat, "vulturing" is the perfect word! Actually no, I have never been to Dark Delicacies, though its been on my radar. I understand it is a bookstore, but I have been curious to know: do they have other merchandise as well?

  5. This place is walking distance from my house!!! And I agree re: the employees, otherwise, it's one of my favorite stores ever.

  6. I used to LOVE this store, but the employees and countless rules have turned me off. The last time I was there, I was looking for costumes for me and my husband. I had a question for him about said costume and went to text him, but was reprimanded by an employee! Like I honestly can't text someone while inside your store?? I understand not wanting someone gabbing away on a phone while inside, but I had a question about something I was going to purchase there! Then about five minutes later, I wanted to try on a costume, but you actually aren't allowed to do that there! Like, huh? Being that costumes are non-refundable, I am not quite sure how one is expected to figure out if a costume will work for them or not. Absolutely HATE this place now.

  7. Sorry you had such a bad time there. Some of their rules really don't make much sense. Despite all the rules, I guess they're doing well, because besides the original store with books/jewelry/housewares/clothes/etc, and the costume store, they opened yet another new store for kids and pets!
