
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Dog Chasing Skeleton

Well, Halloween 2011 is over and it's time to start thinking about that next major holiday: Halloween 2012. 

My mom's friend sent her the above photo of an amusing display at a house along her commute. Aquick search revealed the pattern for the dog chasing a skeleton at the Winfield Collection (the link is here.)

They have several good choices for easy designs from plywood. Here are two more:



  1. Very clever, I've never seen these before. Love the dog chasing the skeleton. I wonder if these are patterns available to the public or something someone designed privately?

  2. @art bliss: The patterns are available at I've just now corrected the post to make that more clear, sorry! (Blogger had changed my font color mid-paragraph to black and it was just about impossible to read on my black background. That's what I get for not previewing!)

  3. The more you shall honor Me,
    the more I shall bless you.
    -the Infant Jesus of Prague
    (<- Czech Republic, next to Russia)

    trustNjesus ALWAYS, mr. dudeman,
    and wiseabove to Seventh-Heaven.
    God bless your indelible soul.

  4. Again, dude-withe-lude, we have only
    a finitExistence on the decaying earth:
    if I put whorizontal attitudes on my
    lawn which stinks of the Abyss, how
    does that reflect Almighty God in thy
    lifelong demise? Where have I been?
    7thHeaven. Why? a Near Death Ex-
    periencer is the one writing to you.
    Do you reeeeeeeeeally think Hollow-
    Weener is celebrated in 7thHeaven?
    No, dude. God's all bout Divine Life,
    NOT bout the darkness of Hellfire:
    ● ●
    Cya soon, bro...
